Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- Parameter newtypes
- AdditionalMetadata
- ApiKey
- Body
- BodyBool
- BodyDouble
- BodyText
- BooleanGroup
- Byte
- Callback
- EnumFormString
- EnumFormStringArray
- EnumHeaderString
- EnumHeaderStringArray
- EnumQueryDouble
- EnumQueryInteger
- EnumQueryString
- EnumQueryStringArray
- File2
- Int32
- Int64
- Int64Group
- Name2
- Number
- OrderId
- OrderIdText
- Param
- Param2
- ParamBinary
- ParamDate
- ParamDateTime
- ParamDouble
- ParamFloat
- ParamInteger
- ParamMapMapStringText
- ParamString
- Password
- PatternWithoutDelimiter
- PetId
- Query
- RequiredBooleanGroup
- RequiredFile
- RequiredInt64Group
- RequiredStringGroup
- Status
- StatusText
- StringGroup
- Tags
- Username
- Models
- AdditionalPropertiesClass
- Animal
- ApiResponse
- ArrayOfArrayOfNumberOnly
- ArrayOfNumberOnly
- ArrayTest
- Capitalization
- Cat
- Category
- ClassModel
- Client
- Dog
- EnumArrays
- EnumTest
- File
- FileSchemaTestClass
- FormatTest
- HasOnlyReadOnly
- MapTest
- MixedPropertiesAndAdditionalPropertiesClass
- Model200Response
- ModelList
- ModelReturn
- Name
- NumberOnly
- Order
- OuterComposite
- Pet
- ReadOnlyFirst
- SpecialModelName
- Tag
- TypeHolderDefault
- TypeHolderExample
- User
- XmlItem
- Enums
- Auth Methods
- newtype AdditionalMetadata = AdditionalMetadata {}
- newtype ApiKey = ApiKey {}
- newtype Body = Body {}
- newtype BodyBool = BodyBool {
- unBodyBool :: Bool
- newtype BodyDouble = BodyDouble {}
- newtype BodyText = BodyText {
- unBodyText :: Text
- newtype BooleanGroup = BooleanGroup {}
- newtype Byte = Byte {}
- newtype Callback = Callback {
- unCallback :: Text
- newtype EnumFormString = EnumFormString {}
- newtype EnumFormStringArray = EnumFormStringArray {}
- newtype EnumHeaderString = EnumHeaderString {}
- newtype EnumHeaderStringArray = EnumHeaderStringArray {}
- newtype EnumQueryDouble = EnumQueryDouble {}
- newtype EnumQueryInteger = EnumQueryInteger {}
- newtype EnumQueryString = EnumQueryString {}
- newtype EnumQueryStringArray = EnumQueryStringArray {}
- newtype File2 = File2 {}
- newtype Int32 = Int32 {}
- newtype Int64 = Int64 {}
- newtype Int64Group = Int64Group {}
- newtype Name2 = Name2 {}
- newtype Number = Number {}
- newtype OrderId = OrderId {}
- newtype OrderIdText = OrderIdText {}
- newtype Param = Param {}
- newtype Param2 = Param2 {}
- newtype ParamBinary = ParamBinary {}
- newtype ParamDate = ParamDate {
- unParamDate :: Date
- newtype ParamDateTime = ParamDateTime {}
- newtype ParamDouble = ParamDouble {}
- newtype ParamFloat = ParamFloat {}
- newtype ParamInteger = ParamInteger {}
- newtype ParamMapMapStringText = ParamMapMapStringText {}
- newtype ParamString = ParamString {}
- newtype Password = Password {
- unPassword :: Text
- newtype PatternWithoutDelimiter = PatternWithoutDelimiter {}
- newtype PetId = PetId {}
- newtype Query = Query {}
- newtype RequiredBooleanGroup = RequiredBooleanGroup {}
- newtype RequiredFile = RequiredFile {}
- newtype RequiredInt64Group = RequiredInt64Group {}
- newtype RequiredStringGroup = RequiredStringGroup {}
- newtype Status = Status {}
- newtype StatusText = StatusText {
- unStatusText :: Text
- newtype StringGroup = StringGroup {
- unStringGroup :: Int
- newtype Tags = Tags {}
- newtype Username = Username {
- unUsername :: Text
- data AdditionalPropertiesClass = AdditionalPropertiesClass {}
- mkAdditionalPropertiesClass :: AdditionalPropertiesClass
- data Animal = Animal {
- animalClassName :: !Text
- animalColor :: !(Maybe Text)
- mkAnimal :: Text -> Animal
- data ApiResponse = ApiResponse {
- apiResponseCode :: !(Maybe Int)
- apiResponseType :: !(Maybe Text)
- apiResponseMessage :: !(Maybe Text)
- mkApiResponse :: ApiResponse
- data ArrayOfArrayOfNumberOnly = ArrayOfArrayOfNumberOnly {}
- mkArrayOfArrayOfNumberOnly :: ArrayOfArrayOfNumberOnly
- data ArrayOfNumberOnly = ArrayOfNumberOnly {
- arrayOfNumberOnlyArrayNumber :: !(Maybe [Double])
- mkArrayOfNumberOnly :: ArrayOfNumberOnly
- data ArrayTest = ArrayTest {
- arrayTestArrayOfString :: !(Maybe [Text])
- arrayTestArrayArrayOfInteger :: !(Maybe [[Integer]])
- arrayTestArrayArrayOfModel :: !(Maybe [[ReadOnlyFirst]])
- mkArrayTest :: ArrayTest
- data Capitalization = Capitalization {}
- mkCapitalization :: Capitalization
- data Cat = Cat {
- catClassName :: !Text
- catColor :: !(Maybe Text)
- catDeclawed :: !(Maybe Bool)
- mkCat :: Text -> Cat
- data Category = Category {
- categoryId :: !(Maybe Integer)
- categoryName :: !Text
- mkCategory :: Text -> Category
- data ClassModel = ClassModel {
- classModelClass :: !(Maybe Text)
- mkClassModel :: ClassModel
- data Client = Client {
- clientClient :: !(Maybe Text)
- mkClient :: Client
- data Dog = Dog {}
- mkDog :: Text -> Dog
- data EnumArrays = EnumArrays {
- enumArraysJustSymbol :: !(Maybe E'JustSymbol)
- enumArraysArrayEnum :: !(Maybe [E'ArrayEnum])
- mkEnumArrays :: EnumArrays
- data EnumTest = EnumTest {}
- mkEnumTest :: E'EnumString -> EnumTest
- data File = File {
- fileSourceUri :: !(Maybe Text)
- mkFile :: File
- data FileSchemaTestClass = FileSchemaTestClass {
- fileSchemaTestClassFile :: !(Maybe File)
- fileSchemaTestClassFiles :: !(Maybe [File])
- mkFileSchemaTestClass :: FileSchemaTestClass
- data FormatTest = FormatTest {
- formatTestInteger :: !(Maybe Int)
- formatTestInt32 :: !(Maybe Int)
- formatTestInt64 :: !(Maybe Integer)
- formatTestNumber :: !Double
- formatTestFloat :: !(Maybe Float)
- formatTestDouble :: !(Maybe Double)
- formatTestString :: !(Maybe Text)
- formatTestByte :: !ByteArray
- formatTestBinary :: !(Maybe FilePath)
- formatTestDate :: !Date
- formatTestDateTime :: !(Maybe DateTime)
- formatTestUuid :: !(Maybe Text)
- formatTestPassword :: !Text
- mkFormatTest :: Double -> ByteArray -> Date -> Text -> FormatTest
- data HasOnlyReadOnly = HasOnlyReadOnly {
- hasOnlyReadOnlyBar :: !(Maybe Text)
- hasOnlyReadOnlyFoo :: !(Maybe Text)
- mkHasOnlyReadOnly :: HasOnlyReadOnly
- data MapTest = MapTest {}
- mkMapTest :: MapTest
- data MixedPropertiesAndAdditionalPropertiesClass = MixedPropertiesAndAdditionalPropertiesClass {}
- mkMixedPropertiesAndAdditionalPropertiesClass :: MixedPropertiesAndAdditionalPropertiesClass
- data Model200Response = Model200Response {
- model200ResponseName :: !(Maybe Int)
- model200ResponseClass :: !(Maybe Text)
- mkModel200Response :: Model200Response
- data ModelList = ModelList {
- modelList123list :: !(Maybe Text)
- mkModelList :: ModelList
- data ModelReturn = ModelReturn {
- modelReturnReturn :: !(Maybe Int)
- mkModelReturn :: ModelReturn
- data Name = Name {
- nameName :: !Int
- nameSnakeCase :: !(Maybe Int)
- nameProperty :: !(Maybe Text)
- name123number :: !(Maybe Int)
- mkName :: Int -> Name
- data NumberOnly = NumberOnly {
- numberOnlyJustNumber :: !(Maybe Double)
- mkNumberOnly :: NumberOnly
- data Order = Order {
- orderId :: !(Maybe Integer)
- orderPetId :: !(Maybe Integer)
- orderQuantity :: !(Maybe Int)
- orderShipDate :: !(Maybe DateTime)
- orderStatus :: !(Maybe E'Status)
- orderComplete :: !(Maybe Bool)
- mkOrder :: Order
- data OuterComposite = OuterComposite {
- outerCompositeMyNumber :: !(Maybe Double)
- outerCompositeMyString :: !(Maybe Text)
- outerCompositeMyBoolean :: !(Maybe Bool)
- mkOuterComposite :: OuterComposite
- data Pet = Pet {}
- mkPet :: Text -> [Text] -> Pet
- data ReadOnlyFirst = ReadOnlyFirst {
- readOnlyFirstBar :: !(Maybe Text)
- readOnlyFirstBaz :: !(Maybe Text)
- mkReadOnlyFirst :: ReadOnlyFirst
- data SpecialModelName = SpecialModelName {}
- mkSpecialModelName :: SpecialModelName
- data Tag = Tag {}
- mkTag :: Tag
- data TypeHolderDefault = TypeHolderDefault {}
- mkTypeHolderDefault :: Text -> Double -> Int -> Bool -> [Int] -> TypeHolderDefault
- data TypeHolderExample = TypeHolderExample {}
- mkTypeHolderExample :: Text -> Double -> Int -> Bool -> [Int] -> TypeHolderExample
- data User = User {
- userId :: !(Maybe Integer)
- userUsername :: !(Maybe Text)
- userFirstName :: !(Maybe Text)
- userLastName :: !(Maybe Text)
- userEmail :: !(Maybe Text)
- userPassword :: !(Maybe Text)
- userPhone :: !(Maybe Text)
- userUserStatus :: !(Maybe Int)
- mkUser :: User
- data XmlItem = XmlItem {
- xmlItemAttributeString :: !(Maybe Text)
- xmlItemAttributeNumber :: !(Maybe Double)
- xmlItemAttributeInteger :: !(Maybe Int)
- xmlItemAttributeBoolean :: !(Maybe Bool)
- xmlItemWrappedArray :: !(Maybe [Int])
- xmlItemNameString :: !(Maybe Text)
- xmlItemNameNumber :: !(Maybe Double)
- xmlItemNameInteger :: !(Maybe Int)
- xmlItemNameBoolean :: !(Maybe Bool)
- xmlItemNameArray :: !(Maybe [Int])
- xmlItemNameWrappedArray :: !(Maybe [Int])
- xmlItemPrefixString :: !(Maybe Text)
- xmlItemPrefixNumber :: !(Maybe Double)
- xmlItemPrefixInteger :: !(Maybe Int)
- xmlItemPrefixBoolean :: !(Maybe Bool)
- xmlItemPrefixArray :: !(Maybe [Int])
- xmlItemPrefixWrappedArray :: !(Maybe [Int])
- xmlItemNamespaceString :: !(Maybe Text)
- xmlItemNamespaceNumber :: !(Maybe Double)
- xmlItemNamespaceInteger :: !(Maybe Int)
- xmlItemNamespaceBoolean :: !(Maybe Bool)
- xmlItemNamespaceArray :: !(Maybe [Int])
- xmlItemNamespaceWrappedArray :: !(Maybe [Int])
- xmlItemPrefixNsString :: !(Maybe Text)
- xmlItemPrefixNsNumber :: !(Maybe Double)
- xmlItemPrefixNsInteger :: !(Maybe Int)
- xmlItemPrefixNsBoolean :: !(Maybe Bool)
- xmlItemPrefixNsArray :: !(Maybe [Int])
- xmlItemPrefixNsWrappedArray :: !(Maybe [Int])
- mkXmlItem :: XmlItem
- data E'ArrayEnum
- fromE'ArrayEnum :: E'ArrayEnum -> Text
- toE'ArrayEnum :: Text -> Either String E'ArrayEnum
- data E'EnumFormString
- fromE'EnumFormString :: E'EnumFormString -> Text
- toE'EnumFormString :: Text -> Either String E'EnumFormString
- data E'EnumFormStringArray
- fromE'EnumFormStringArray :: E'EnumFormStringArray -> Text
- toE'EnumFormStringArray :: Text -> Either String E'EnumFormStringArray
- data E'EnumInteger
- fromE'EnumInteger :: E'EnumInteger -> Int
- toE'EnumInteger :: Int -> Either String E'EnumInteger
- data E'EnumNumber
- fromE'EnumNumber :: E'EnumNumber -> Double
- toE'EnumNumber :: Double -> Either String E'EnumNumber
- data E'EnumQueryInteger
- fromE'EnumQueryInteger :: E'EnumQueryInteger -> Int
- toE'EnumQueryInteger :: Int -> Either String E'EnumQueryInteger
- data E'EnumString
- fromE'EnumString :: E'EnumString -> Text
- toE'EnumString :: Text -> Either String E'EnumString
- data E'Inner
- fromE'Inner :: E'Inner -> Text
- toE'Inner :: Text -> Either String E'Inner
- data E'JustSymbol
- fromE'JustSymbol :: E'JustSymbol -> Text
- toE'JustSymbol :: Text -> Either String E'JustSymbol
- data E'Status
- fromE'Status :: E'Status -> Text
- toE'Status :: Text -> Either String E'Status
- data E'Status2
- fromE'Status2 :: E'Status2 -> Text
- toE'Status2 :: Text -> Either String E'Status2
- data EnumClass
- fromEnumClass :: EnumClass -> Text
- toEnumClass :: Text -> Either String EnumClass
- data OuterEnum
- fromOuterEnum :: OuterEnum -> Text
- toOuterEnum :: Text -> Either String OuterEnum
- data AuthApiKeyApiKey = AuthApiKeyApiKey Text
- data AuthApiKeyApiKeyQuery = AuthApiKeyApiKeyQuery Text
- data AuthBasicHttpBasicTest = AuthBasicHttpBasicTest ByteString ByteString
- data AuthOAuthPetstoreAuth = AuthOAuthPetstoreAuth Text
Parameter newtypes
newtype AdditionalMetadata Source #
Eq ApiKey Source # | |
Show ApiKey Source # | |
HasOptionalParam DeletePet ApiKey Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.Pet applyOptionalParam :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest DeletePet contentType res accept -> ApiKey -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest DeletePet contentType res accept Source # (-&-) :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest DeletePet contentType res accept -> ApiKey -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest DeletePet contentType res accept Source # |
Eq Body Source # | |
Show Body Source # | |
ToJSON Body Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model | |
HasBodyParam CreateUsersWithListInput Body Source # | Body Param "body" - List of user object |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.User setBodyParam :: (Consumes CreateUsersWithListInput contentType, MimeRender contentType Body) => OpenAPIPetstoreRequest CreateUsersWithListInput contentType res accept -> Body -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest CreateUsersWithListInput contentType res accept Source # | |
HasBodyParam CreateUsersWithArrayInput Body Source # | Body Param "body" - List of user object |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.User setBodyParam :: (Consumes CreateUsersWithArrayInput contentType, MimeRender contentType Body) => OpenAPIPetstoreRequest CreateUsersWithArrayInput contentType res accept -> Body -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest CreateUsersWithArrayInput contentType res accept Source # |
Eq BodyBool Source # | |
Show BodyBool Source # | |
ToJSON BodyBool Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model | |
HasBodyParam FakeOuterBooleanSerialize BodyBool Source # | Body Param "body" - Input boolean as post body |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.Fake setBodyParam :: (Consumes FakeOuterBooleanSerialize contentType, MimeRender contentType BodyBool) => OpenAPIPetstoreRequest FakeOuterBooleanSerialize contentType res accept -> BodyBool -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest FakeOuterBooleanSerialize contentType res accept Source # |
newtype BodyDouble Source #
Eq BodyDouble Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: BodyDouble -> BodyDouble -> Bool # (/=) :: BodyDouble -> BodyDouble -> Bool # | |
Show BodyDouble Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> BodyDouble -> ShowS # show :: BodyDouble -> String # showList :: [BodyDouble] -> ShowS # | |
ToJSON BodyDouble Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model toJSON :: BodyDouble -> Value # toEncoding :: BodyDouble -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [BodyDouble] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [BodyDouble] -> Encoding # | |
HasBodyParam FakeOuterNumberSerialize BodyDouble Source # | Body Param "body" - Input number as post body |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.Fake setBodyParam :: (Consumes FakeOuterNumberSerialize contentType, MimeRender contentType BodyDouble) => OpenAPIPetstoreRequest FakeOuterNumberSerialize contentType res accept -> BodyDouble -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest FakeOuterNumberSerialize contentType res accept Source # |
Eq BodyText Source # | |
Show BodyText Source # | |
ToJSON BodyText Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model | |
HasBodyParam FakeOuterStringSerialize BodyText Source # | Body Param "body" - Input string as post body |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.Fake setBodyParam :: (Consumes FakeOuterStringSerialize contentType, MimeRender contentType BodyText) => OpenAPIPetstoreRequest FakeOuterStringSerialize contentType res accept -> BodyText -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest FakeOuterStringSerialize contentType res accept Source # |
newtype BooleanGroup Source #
Eq BooleanGroup Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: BooleanGroup -> BooleanGroup -> Bool # (/=) :: BooleanGroup -> BooleanGroup -> Bool # | |
Show BooleanGroup Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> BooleanGroup -> ShowS # show :: BooleanGroup -> String # showList :: [BooleanGroup] -> ShowS # | |
HasOptionalParam TestGroupParameters BooleanGroup Source # | Optional Param "boolean_group" - Boolean in group parameters |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.Fake applyOptionalParam :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestGroupParameters contentType res accept -> BooleanGroup -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestGroupParameters contentType res accept Source # (-&-) :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestGroupParameters contentType res accept -> BooleanGroup -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestGroupParameters contentType res accept Source # |
Eq Callback Source # | |
Show Callback Source # | |
HasOptionalParam TestEndpointParameters Callback Source # | Optional Param "callback" - None |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.Fake applyOptionalParam :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept -> Callback -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept Source # (-&-) :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept -> Callback -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept Source # |
newtype EnumFormString Source #
Eq EnumFormString Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: EnumFormString -> EnumFormString -> Bool # (/=) :: EnumFormString -> EnumFormString -> Bool # | |
Show EnumFormString Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> EnumFormString -> ShowS # show :: EnumFormString -> String # showList :: [EnumFormString] -> ShowS # | |
HasOptionalParam TestEnumParameters EnumFormString Source # | Optional Param "enum_form_string" - Form parameter enum test (string) |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.Fake applyOptionalParam :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEnumParameters contentType res accept -> EnumFormString -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEnumParameters contentType res accept Source # (-&-) :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEnumParameters contentType res accept -> EnumFormString -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEnumParameters contentType res accept Source # |
newtype EnumFormStringArray Source #
Eq EnumFormStringArray Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: EnumFormStringArray -> EnumFormStringArray -> Bool # (/=) :: EnumFormStringArray -> EnumFormStringArray -> Bool # | |
Show EnumFormStringArray Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> EnumFormStringArray -> ShowS # show :: EnumFormStringArray -> String # showList :: [EnumFormStringArray] -> ShowS # | |
HasOptionalParam TestEnumParameters EnumFormStringArray Source # | Optional Param "enum_form_string_array" - Form parameter enum test (string array) |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.Fake applyOptionalParam :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEnumParameters contentType res accept -> EnumFormStringArray -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEnumParameters contentType res accept Source # (-&-) :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEnumParameters contentType res accept -> EnumFormStringArray -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEnumParameters contentType res accept Source # |
newtype EnumHeaderString Source #
Eq EnumHeaderString Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: EnumHeaderString -> EnumHeaderString -> Bool # (/=) :: EnumHeaderString -> EnumHeaderString -> Bool # | |
Show EnumHeaderString Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> EnumHeaderString -> ShowS # show :: EnumHeaderString -> String # showList :: [EnumHeaderString] -> ShowS # | |
HasOptionalParam TestEnumParameters EnumHeaderString Source # | Optional Param "enum_header_string" - Header parameter enum test (string) |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.Fake applyOptionalParam :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEnumParameters contentType res accept -> EnumHeaderString -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEnumParameters contentType res accept Source # (-&-) :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEnumParameters contentType res accept -> EnumHeaderString -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEnumParameters contentType res accept Source # |
newtype EnumHeaderStringArray Source #
Eq EnumHeaderStringArray Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: EnumHeaderStringArray -> EnumHeaderStringArray -> Bool # (/=) :: EnumHeaderStringArray -> EnumHeaderStringArray -> Bool # | |
Show EnumHeaderStringArray Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> EnumHeaderStringArray -> ShowS # show :: EnumHeaderStringArray -> String # showList :: [EnumHeaderStringArray] -> ShowS # | |
HasOptionalParam TestEnumParameters EnumHeaderStringArray Source # | Optional Param "enum_header_string_array" - Header parameter enum test (string array) |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.Fake applyOptionalParam :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEnumParameters contentType res accept -> EnumHeaderStringArray -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEnumParameters contentType res accept Source # (-&-) :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEnumParameters contentType res accept -> EnumHeaderStringArray -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEnumParameters contentType res accept Source # |
newtype EnumQueryDouble Source #
Eq EnumQueryDouble Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: EnumQueryDouble -> EnumQueryDouble -> Bool # (/=) :: EnumQueryDouble -> EnumQueryDouble -> Bool # | |
Show EnumQueryDouble Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> EnumQueryDouble -> ShowS # show :: EnumQueryDouble -> String # showList :: [EnumQueryDouble] -> ShowS # | |
HasOptionalParam TestEnumParameters EnumQueryDouble Source # | Optional Param "enum_query_double" - Query parameter enum test (double) |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.Fake applyOptionalParam :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEnumParameters contentType res accept -> EnumQueryDouble -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEnumParameters contentType res accept Source # (-&-) :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEnumParameters contentType res accept -> EnumQueryDouble -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEnumParameters contentType res accept Source # |
newtype EnumQueryInteger Source #
Eq EnumQueryInteger Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: EnumQueryInteger -> EnumQueryInteger -> Bool # (/=) :: EnumQueryInteger -> EnumQueryInteger -> Bool # | |
Show EnumQueryInteger Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> EnumQueryInteger -> ShowS # show :: EnumQueryInteger -> String # showList :: [EnumQueryInteger] -> ShowS # | |
HasOptionalParam TestEnumParameters EnumQueryInteger Source # | Optional Param "enum_query_integer" - Query parameter enum test (double) |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.Fake applyOptionalParam :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEnumParameters contentType res accept -> EnumQueryInteger -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEnumParameters contentType res accept Source # (-&-) :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEnumParameters contentType res accept -> EnumQueryInteger -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEnumParameters contentType res accept Source # |
newtype EnumQueryString Source #
Eq EnumQueryString Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: EnumQueryString -> EnumQueryString -> Bool # (/=) :: EnumQueryString -> EnumQueryString -> Bool # | |
Show EnumQueryString Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> EnumQueryString -> ShowS # show :: EnumQueryString -> String # showList :: [EnumQueryString] -> ShowS # | |
HasOptionalParam TestEnumParameters EnumQueryString Source # | Optional Param "enum_query_string" - Query parameter enum test (string) |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.Fake applyOptionalParam :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEnumParameters contentType res accept -> EnumQueryString -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEnumParameters contentType res accept Source # (-&-) :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEnumParameters contentType res accept -> EnumQueryString -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEnumParameters contentType res accept Source # |
newtype EnumQueryStringArray Source #
Eq EnumQueryStringArray Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: EnumQueryStringArray -> EnumQueryStringArray -> Bool # (/=) :: EnumQueryStringArray -> EnumQueryStringArray -> Bool # | |
Show EnumQueryStringArray Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> EnumQueryStringArray -> ShowS # show :: EnumQueryStringArray -> String # showList :: [EnumQueryStringArray] -> ShowS # | |
HasOptionalParam TestEnumParameters EnumQueryStringArray Source # | Optional Param "enum_query_string_array" - Query parameter enum test (string array) |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.Fake applyOptionalParam :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEnumParameters contentType res accept -> EnumQueryStringArray -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEnumParameters contentType res accept Source # (-&-) :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEnumParameters contentType res accept -> EnumQueryStringArray -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEnumParameters contentType res accept Source # |
Eq File2 Source # | |
Show File2 Source # | |
HasOptionalParam UploadFile File2 Source # | Optional Param "file" - file to upload |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.Pet applyOptionalParam :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest UploadFile contentType res accept -> File2 -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest UploadFile contentType res accept Source # (-&-) :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest UploadFile contentType res accept -> File2 -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest UploadFile contentType res accept Source # |
Eq Int32 Source # | |
Show Int32 Source # | |
HasOptionalParam TestEndpointParameters Int32 Source # | Optional Param "int32" - None |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.Fake applyOptionalParam :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept -> Int32 -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept Source # (-&-) :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept -> Int32 -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept Source # |
Eq Int64 Source # | |
Show Int64 Source # | |
HasOptionalParam TestEndpointParameters Int64 Source # | Optional Param "int64" - None |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.Fake applyOptionalParam :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept -> Int64 -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept Source # (-&-) :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept -> Int64 -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept Source # |
newtype Int64Group Source #
Eq Int64Group Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: Int64Group -> Int64Group -> Bool # (/=) :: Int64Group -> Int64Group -> Bool # | |
Show Int64Group Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> Int64Group -> ShowS # show :: Int64Group -> String # showList :: [Int64Group] -> ShowS # | |
HasOptionalParam TestGroupParameters Int64Group Source # | Optional Param "int64_group" - Integer in group parameters |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.Fake applyOptionalParam :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestGroupParameters contentType res accept -> Int64Group -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestGroupParameters contentType res accept Source # (-&-) :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestGroupParameters contentType res accept -> Int64Group -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestGroupParameters contentType res accept Source # |
Eq Name2 Source # | |
Show Name2 Source # | |
HasOptionalParam UpdatePetWithForm Name2 Source # | Optional Param "name" - Updated name of the pet |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.Pet applyOptionalParam :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest UpdatePetWithForm contentType res accept -> Name2 -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest UpdatePetWithForm contentType res accept Source # (-&-) :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest UpdatePetWithForm contentType res accept -> Name2 -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest UpdatePetWithForm contentType res accept Source # |
newtype OrderIdText Source #
Eq OrderIdText Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: OrderIdText -> OrderIdText -> Bool # (/=) :: OrderIdText -> OrderIdText -> Bool # | |
Show OrderIdText Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> OrderIdText -> ShowS # show :: OrderIdText -> String # showList :: [OrderIdText] -> ShowS # |
newtype ParamBinary Source #
Eq ParamBinary Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: ParamBinary -> ParamBinary -> Bool # (/=) :: ParamBinary -> ParamBinary -> Bool # | |
Show ParamBinary Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> ParamBinary -> ShowS # show :: ParamBinary -> String # showList :: [ParamBinary] -> ShowS # | |
HasOptionalParam TestEndpointParameters ParamBinary Source # | Optional Param "binary" - None |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.Fake applyOptionalParam :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept -> ParamBinary -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept Source # (-&-) :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept -> ParamBinary -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept Source # |
Eq ParamDate Source # | |
Show ParamDate Source # | |
HasOptionalParam TestEndpointParameters ParamDate Source # | Optional Param "date" - None |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.Fake applyOptionalParam :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept -> ParamDate -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept Source # (-&-) :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept -> ParamDate -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept Source # |
newtype ParamDateTime Source #
Eq ParamDateTime Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: ParamDateTime -> ParamDateTime -> Bool # (/=) :: ParamDateTime -> ParamDateTime -> Bool # | |
Show ParamDateTime Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> ParamDateTime -> ShowS # show :: ParamDateTime -> String # showList :: [ParamDateTime] -> ShowS # | |
HasOptionalParam TestEndpointParameters ParamDateTime Source # | Optional Param "dateTime" - None |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.Fake applyOptionalParam :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept -> ParamDateTime -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept Source # (-&-) :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept -> ParamDateTime -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept Source # |
newtype ParamDouble Source #
Eq ParamDouble Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: ParamDouble -> ParamDouble -> Bool # (/=) :: ParamDouble -> ParamDouble -> Bool # | |
Show ParamDouble Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> ParamDouble -> ShowS # show :: ParamDouble -> String # showList :: [ParamDouble] -> ShowS # |
newtype ParamFloat Source #
Eq ParamFloat Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: ParamFloat -> ParamFloat -> Bool # (/=) :: ParamFloat -> ParamFloat -> Bool # | |
Show ParamFloat Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> ParamFloat -> ShowS # show :: ParamFloat -> String # showList :: [ParamFloat] -> ShowS # | |
HasOptionalParam TestEndpointParameters ParamFloat Source # | Optional Param "float" - None |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.Fake applyOptionalParam :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept -> ParamFloat -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept Source # (-&-) :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept -> ParamFloat -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept Source # |
newtype ParamInteger Source #
Eq ParamInteger Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: ParamInteger -> ParamInteger -> Bool # (/=) :: ParamInteger -> ParamInteger -> Bool # | |
Show ParamInteger Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> ParamInteger -> ShowS # show :: ParamInteger -> String # showList :: [ParamInteger] -> ShowS # | |
HasOptionalParam TestEndpointParameters ParamInteger Source # | Optional Param "integer" - None |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.Fake applyOptionalParam :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept -> ParamInteger -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept Source # (-&-) :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept -> ParamInteger -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept Source # |
newtype ParamMapMapStringText Source #
newtype ParamString Source #
Eq ParamString Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: ParamString -> ParamString -> Bool # (/=) :: ParamString -> ParamString -> Bool # | |
Show ParamString Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> ParamString -> ShowS # show :: ParamString -> String # showList :: [ParamString] -> ShowS # | |
HasOptionalParam TestEndpointParameters ParamString Source # | Optional Param "string" - None |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.Fake applyOptionalParam :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept -> ParamString -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept Source # (-&-) :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept -> ParamString -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept Source # |
Eq Password Source # | |
Show Password Source # | |
HasOptionalParam TestEndpointParameters Password Source # | Optional Param "password" - None |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.Fake applyOptionalParam :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept -> Password -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept Source # (-&-) :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept -> Password -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestEndpointParameters contentType res accept Source # |
newtype PatternWithoutDelimiter Source #
Eq PatternWithoutDelimiter Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model | |
Show PatternWithoutDelimiter Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> PatternWithoutDelimiter -> ShowS # show :: PatternWithoutDelimiter -> String # showList :: [PatternWithoutDelimiter] -> ShowS # |
newtype RequiredBooleanGroup Source #
Eq RequiredBooleanGroup Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: RequiredBooleanGroup -> RequiredBooleanGroup -> Bool # (/=) :: RequiredBooleanGroup -> RequiredBooleanGroup -> Bool # | |
Show RequiredBooleanGroup Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> RequiredBooleanGroup -> ShowS # show :: RequiredBooleanGroup -> String # showList :: [RequiredBooleanGroup] -> ShowS # |
newtype RequiredFile Source #
Eq RequiredFile Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: RequiredFile -> RequiredFile -> Bool # (/=) :: RequiredFile -> RequiredFile -> Bool # | |
Show RequiredFile Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> RequiredFile -> ShowS # show :: RequiredFile -> String # showList :: [RequiredFile] -> ShowS # |
newtype RequiredInt64Group Source #
Eq RequiredInt64Group Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: RequiredInt64Group -> RequiredInt64Group -> Bool # (/=) :: RequiredInt64Group -> RequiredInt64Group -> Bool # | |
Show RequiredInt64Group Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> RequiredInt64Group -> ShowS # show :: RequiredInt64Group -> String # showList :: [RequiredInt64Group] -> ShowS # |
newtype RequiredStringGroup Source #
Eq RequiredStringGroup Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: RequiredStringGroup -> RequiredStringGroup -> Bool # (/=) :: RequiredStringGroup -> RequiredStringGroup -> Bool # | |
Show RequiredStringGroup Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> RequiredStringGroup -> ShowS # show :: RequiredStringGroup -> String # showList :: [RequiredStringGroup] -> ShowS # |
newtype StatusText Source #
Eq StatusText Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: StatusText -> StatusText -> Bool # (/=) :: StatusText -> StatusText -> Bool # | |
Show StatusText Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> StatusText -> ShowS # show :: StatusText -> String # showList :: [StatusText] -> ShowS # | |
HasOptionalParam UpdatePetWithForm StatusText Source # | Optional Param "status" - Updated status of the pet |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.Pet applyOptionalParam :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest UpdatePetWithForm contentType res accept -> StatusText -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest UpdatePetWithForm contentType res accept Source # (-&-) :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest UpdatePetWithForm contentType res accept -> StatusText -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest UpdatePetWithForm contentType res accept Source # |
newtype StringGroup Source #
Eq StringGroup Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: StringGroup -> StringGroup -> Bool # (/=) :: StringGroup -> StringGroup -> Bool # | |
Show StringGroup Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> StringGroup -> ShowS # show :: StringGroup -> String # showList :: [StringGroup] -> ShowS # | |
HasOptionalParam TestGroupParameters StringGroup Source # | Optional Param "string_group" - String in group parameters |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.Fake applyOptionalParam :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestGroupParameters contentType res accept -> StringGroup -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestGroupParameters contentType res accept Source # (-&-) :: OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestGroupParameters contentType res accept -> StringGroup -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest TestGroupParameters contentType res accept Source # |
data AdditionalPropertiesClass Source #
Eq AdditionalPropertiesClass Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model | |
Show AdditionalPropertiesClass Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> AdditionalPropertiesClass -> ShowS # show :: AdditionalPropertiesClass -> String # showList :: [AdditionalPropertiesClass] -> ShowS # | |
ToJSON AdditionalPropertiesClass Source # | ToJSON AdditionalPropertiesClass |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model | |
FromJSON AdditionalPropertiesClass Source # | FromJSON AdditionalPropertiesClass |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model |
mkAdditionalPropertiesClass :: AdditionalPropertiesClass Source #
Construct a value of type AdditionalPropertiesClass
(by applying it's required fields, if any)
Animal | |
data ApiResponse Source #
ApiResponse | |
Eq ApiResponse Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: ApiResponse -> ApiResponse -> Bool # (/=) :: ApiResponse -> ApiResponse -> Bool # | |
Show ApiResponse Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> ApiResponse -> ShowS # show :: ApiResponse -> String # showList :: [ApiResponse] -> ShowS # | |
ToJSON ApiResponse Source # | ToJSON ApiResponse |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model toJSON :: ApiResponse -> Value # toEncoding :: ApiResponse -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [ApiResponse] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [ApiResponse] -> Encoding # | |
FromJSON ApiResponse Source # | FromJSON ApiResponse |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model parseJSON :: Value -> Parser ApiResponse # parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [ApiResponse] # |
mkApiResponse :: ApiResponse Source #
Construct a value of type ApiResponse
(by applying it's required fields, if any)
data ArrayOfArrayOfNumberOnly Source #
Eq ArrayOfArrayOfNumberOnly Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model | |
Show ArrayOfArrayOfNumberOnly Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> ArrayOfArrayOfNumberOnly -> ShowS # show :: ArrayOfArrayOfNumberOnly -> String # showList :: [ArrayOfArrayOfNumberOnly] -> ShowS # | |
ToJSON ArrayOfArrayOfNumberOnly Source # | ToJSON ArrayOfArrayOfNumberOnly |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model | |
FromJSON ArrayOfArrayOfNumberOnly Source # | FromJSON ArrayOfArrayOfNumberOnly |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model |
mkArrayOfArrayOfNumberOnly :: ArrayOfArrayOfNumberOnly Source #
Construct a value of type ArrayOfArrayOfNumberOnly
(by applying it's required fields, if any)
data ArrayOfNumberOnly Source #
Eq ArrayOfNumberOnly Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: ArrayOfNumberOnly -> ArrayOfNumberOnly -> Bool # (/=) :: ArrayOfNumberOnly -> ArrayOfNumberOnly -> Bool # | |
Show ArrayOfNumberOnly Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> ArrayOfNumberOnly -> ShowS # show :: ArrayOfNumberOnly -> String # showList :: [ArrayOfNumberOnly] -> ShowS # | |
ToJSON ArrayOfNumberOnly Source # | ToJSON ArrayOfNumberOnly |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model toJSON :: ArrayOfNumberOnly -> Value # toEncoding :: ArrayOfNumberOnly -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [ArrayOfNumberOnly] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [ArrayOfNumberOnly] -> Encoding # | |
FromJSON ArrayOfNumberOnly Source # | FromJSON ArrayOfNumberOnly |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model parseJSON :: Value -> Parser ArrayOfNumberOnly # parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [ArrayOfNumberOnly] # |
mkArrayOfNumberOnly :: ArrayOfNumberOnly Source #
Construct a value of type ArrayOfNumberOnly
(by applying it's required fields, if any)
ArrayTest | |
mkArrayTest :: ArrayTest Source #
Construct a value of type ArrayTest
(by applying it's required fields, if any)
data Capitalization Source #
Capitalization | |
Eq Capitalization Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: Capitalization -> Capitalization -> Bool # (/=) :: Capitalization -> Capitalization -> Bool # | |
Show Capitalization Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> Capitalization -> ShowS # show :: Capitalization -> String # showList :: [Capitalization] -> ShowS # | |
ToJSON Capitalization Source # | ToJSON Capitalization |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model toJSON :: Capitalization -> Value # toEncoding :: Capitalization -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [Capitalization] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [Capitalization] -> Encoding # | |
FromJSON Capitalization Source # | FromJSON Capitalization |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model parseJSON :: Value -> Parser Capitalization # parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [Capitalization] # |
mkCapitalization :: Capitalization Source #
Construct a value of type Capitalization
(by applying it's required fields, if any)
Cat | |
Category | |
data ClassModel Source #
ClassModel Model for testing model with "_class" property
ClassModel | |
Eq ClassModel Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: ClassModel -> ClassModel -> Bool # (/=) :: ClassModel -> ClassModel -> Bool # | |
Show ClassModel Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> ClassModel -> ShowS # show :: ClassModel -> String # showList :: [ClassModel] -> ShowS # | |
ToJSON ClassModel Source # | ToJSON ClassModel |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model toJSON :: ClassModel -> Value # toEncoding :: ClassModel -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [ClassModel] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [ClassModel] -> Encoding # | |
FromJSON ClassModel Source # | FromJSON ClassModel |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model parseJSON :: Value -> Parser ClassModel # parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [ClassModel] # |
mkClassModel :: ClassModel Source #
Construct a value of type ClassModel
(by applying it's required fields, if any)
Client | |
Construct a value of type Client
(by applying it's required fields, if any)
data EnumArrays Source #
EnumArrays | |
Eq EnumArrays Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: EnumArrays -> EnumArrays -> Bool # (/=) :: EnumArrays -> EnumArrays -> Bool # | |
Show EnumArrays Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> EnumArrays -> ShowS # show :: EnumArrays -> String # showList :: [EnumArrays] -> ShowS # | |
ToJSON EnumArrays Source # | ToJSON EnumArrays |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model toJSON :: EnumArrays -> Value # toEncoding :: EnumArrays -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [EnumArrays] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [EnumArrays] -> Encoding # | |
FromJSON EnumArrays Source # | FromJSON EnumArrays |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model parseJSON :: Value -> Parser EnumArrays # parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [EnumArrays] # |
mkEnumArrays :: EnumArrays Source #
Construct a value of type EnumArrays
(by applying it's required fields, if any)
EnumTest | |
Construct a value of type EnumTest
(by applying it's required fields, if any)
Must be named File
for test.
File | |
data FileSchemaTestClass Source #
FileSchemaTestClass | |
mkFileSchemaTestClass :: FileSchemaTestClass Source #
Construct a value of type FileSchemaTestClass
(by applying it's required fields, if any)
data FormatTest Source #
FormatTest | |
Eq FormatTest Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: FormatTest -> FormatTest -> Bool # (/=) :: FormatTest -> FormatTest -> Bool # | |
Show FormatTest Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> FormatTest -> ShowS # show :: FormatTest -> String # showList :: [FormatTest] -> ShowS # | |
ToJSON FormatTest Source # | ToJSON FormatTest |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model toJSON :: FormatTest -> Value # toEncoding :: FormatTest -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [FormatTest] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [FormatTest] -> Encoding # | |
FromJSON FormatTest Source # | FromJSON FormatTest |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model parseJSON :: Value -> Parser FormatTest # parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [FormatTest] # |
:: Double | |
-> ByteArray | |
-> Date | |
-> Text | |
-> FormatTest |
Construct a value of type FormatTest
(by applying it's required fields, if any)
data HasOnlyReadOnly Source #
HasOnlyReadOnly | |
Eq HasOnlyReadOnly Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: HasOnlyReadOnly -> HasOnlyReadOnly -> Bool # (/=) :: HasOnlyReadOnly -> HasOnlyReadOnly -> Bool # | |
Show HasOnlyReadOnly Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> HasOnlyReadOnly -> ShowS # show :: HasOnlyReadOnly -> String # showList :: [HasOnlyReadOnly] -> ShowS # | |
ToJSON HasOnlyReadOnly Source # | ToJSON HasOnlyReadOnly |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model toJSON :: HasOnlyReadOnly -> Value # toEncoding :: HasOnlyReadOnly -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [HasOnlyReadOnly] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [HasOnlyReadOnly] -> Encoding # | |
FromJSON HasOnlyReadOnly Source # | FromJSON HasOnlyReadOnly |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model parseJSON :: Value -> Parser HasOnlyReadOnly # parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [HasOnlyReadOnly] # |
mkHasOnlyReadOnly :: HasOnlyReadOnly Source #
Construct a value of type HasOnlyReadOnly
(by applying it's required fields, if any)
Construct a value of type MapTest
(by applying it's required fields, if any)
data MixedPropertiesAndAdditionalPropertiesClass Source #
Eq MixedPropertiesAndAdditionalPropertiesClass Source # | |
Show MixedPropertiesAndAdditionalPropertiesClass Source # | |
ToJSON MixedPropertiesAndAdditionalPropertiesClass Source # | ToJSON MixedPropertiesAndAdditionalPropertiesClass |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model | |
FromJSON MixedPropertiesAndAdditionalPropertiesClass Source # | FromJSON MixedPropertiesAndAdditionalPropertiesClass |
mkMixedPropertiesAndAdditionalPropertiesClass :: MixedPropertiesAndAdditionalPropertiesClass Source #
Construct a value of type MixedPropertiesAndAdditionalPropertiesClass
(by applying it's required fields, if any)
data Model200Response Source #
Model200Response Model for testing model name starting with number
Model200Response | |
Eq Model200Response Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: Model200Response -> Model200Response -> Bool # (/=) :: Model200Response -> Model200Response -> Bool # | |
Show Model200Response Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> Model200Response -> ShowS # show :: Model200Response -> String # showList :: [Model200Response] -> ShowS # | |
ToJSON Model200Response Source # | ToJSON Model200Response |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model toJSON :: Model200Response -> Value # toEncoding :: Model200Response -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [Model200Response] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [Model200Response] -> Encoding # | |
FromJSON Model200Response Source # | FromJSON Model200Response |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model parseJSON :: Value -> Parser Model200Response # parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [Model200Response] # |
mkModel200Response :: Model200Response Source #
Construct a value of type Model200Response
(by applying it's required fields, if any)
ModelList | |
mkModelList :: ModelList Source #
Construct a value of type ModelList
(by applying it's required fields, if any)
data ModelReturn Source #
ModelReturn Model for testing reserved words
ModelReturn | |
Eq ModelReturn Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: ModelReturn -> ModelReturn -> Bool # (/=) :: ModelReturn -> ModelReturn -> Bool # | |
Show ModelReturn Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> ModelReturn -> ShowS # show :: ModelReturn -> String # showList :: [ModelReturn] -> ShowS # | |
ToJSON ModelReturn Source # | ToJSON ModelReturn |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model toJSON :: ModelReturn -> Value # toEncoding :: ModelReturn -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [ModelReturn] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [ModelReturn] -> Encoding # | |
FromJSON ModelReturn Source # | FromJSON ModelReturn |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model parseJSON :: Value -> Parser ModelReturn # parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [ModelReturn] # |
mkModelReturn :: ModelReturn Source #
Construct a value of type ModelReturn
(by applying it's required fields, if any)
Name Model for testing model name same as property name
Name | |
Construct a value of type Name
(by applying it's required fields, if any)
data NumberOnly Source #
Eq NumberOnly Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: NumberOnly -> NumberOnly -> Bool # (/=) :: NumberOnly -> NumberOnly -> Bool # | |
Show NumberOnly Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> NumberOnly -> ShowS # show :: NumberOnly -> String # showList :: [NumberOnly] -> ShowS # | |
ToJSON NumberOnly Source # | ToJSON NumberOnly |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model toJSON :: NumberOnly -> Value # toEncoding :: NumberOnly -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [NumberOnly] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [NumberOnly] -> Encoding # | |
FromJSON NumberOnly Source # | FromJSON NumberOnly |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model parseJSON :: Value -> Parser NumberOnly # parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [NumberOnly] # |
mkNumberOnly :: NumberOnly Source #
Construct a value of type NumberOnly
(by applying it's required fields, if any)
Order | |
Eq Order Source # | |
Show Order Source # | |
ToJSON Order Source # | ToJSON Order |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model | |
FromJSON Order Source # | FromJSON Order |
HasBodyParam PlaceOrder Order Source # | Body Param "body" - order placed for purchasing the pet |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.Store setBodyParam :: (Consumes PlaceOrder contentType, MimeRender contentType Order) => OpenAPIPetstoreRequest PlaceOrder contentType res accept -> Order -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest PlaceOrder contentType res accept Source # |
data OuterComposite Source #
OuterComposite | |
mkOuterComposite :: OuterComposite Source #
Construct a value of type OuterComposite
(by applying it's required fields, if any)
Eq Pet Source # | |
Show Pet Source # | |
ToJSON Pet Source # | ToJSON Pet |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model | |
FromJSON Pet Source # | FromJSON Pet |
HasBodyParam UpdatePet Pet Source # | Body Param "body" - Pet object that needs to be added to the store |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.Pet setBodyParam :: (Consumes UpdatePet contentType, MimeRender contentType Pet) => OpenAPIPetstoreRequest UpdatePet contentType res accept -> Pet -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest UpdatePet contentType res accept Source # | |
HasBodyParam AddPet Pet Source # | Body Param "body" - Pet object that needs to be added to the store |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.Pet setBodyParam :: (Consumes AddPet contentType, MimeRender contentType Pet) => OpenAPIPetstoreRequest AddPet contentType res accept -> Pet -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest AddPet contentType res accept Source # |
data ReadOnlyFirst Source #
ReadOnlyFirst | |
Eq ReadOnlyFirst Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: ReadOnlyFirst -> ReadOnlyFirst -> Bool # (/=) :: ReadOnlyFirst -> ReadOnlyFirst -> Bool # | |
Show ReadOnlyFirst Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> ReadOnlyFirst -> ShowS # show :: ReadOnlyFirst -> String # showList :: [ReadOnlyFirst] -> ShowS # | |
ToJSON ReadOnlyFirst Source # | ToJSON ReadOnlyFirst |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model toJSON :: ReadOnlyFirst -> Value # toEncoding :: ReadOnlyFirst -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [ReadOnlyFirst] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [ReadOnlyFirst] -> Encoding # | |
FromJSON ReadOnlyFirst Source # | FromJSON ReadOnlyFirst |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model parseJSON :: Value -> Parser ReadOnlyFirst # parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [ReadOnlyFirst] # |
mkReadOnlyFirst :: ReadOnlyFirst Source #
Construct a value of type ReadOnlyFirst
(by applying it's required fields, if any)
data SpecialModelName Source #
SpecialModelName | |
Eq SpecialModelName Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: SpecialModelName -> SpecialModelName -> Bool # (/=) :: SpecialModelName -> SpecialModelName -> Bool # | |
Show SpecialModelName Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> SpecialModelName -> ShowS # show :: SpecialModelName -> String # showList :: [SpecialModelName] -> ShowS # | |
ToJSON SpecialModelName Source # | ToJSON SpecialModelName |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model toJSON :: SpecialModelName -> Value # toEncoding :: SpecialModelName -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [SpecialModelName] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [SpecialModelName] -> Encoding # | |
FromJSON SpecialModelName Source # | FromJSON SpecialModelName |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model parseJSON :: Value -> Parser SpecialModelName # parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [SpecialModelName] # |
mkSpecialModelName :: SpecialModelName Source #
Construct a value of type SpecialModelName
(by applying it's required fields, if any)
data TypeHolderDefault Source #
TypeHolderDefault | |
Eq TypeHolderDefault Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: TypeHolderDefault -> TypeHolderDefault -> Bool # (/=) :: TypeHolderDefault -> TypeHolderDefault -> Bool # | |
Show TypeHolderDefault Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> TypeHolderDefault -> ShowS # show :: TypeHolderDefault -> String # showList :: [TypeHolderDefault] -> ShowS # | |
ToJSON TypeHolderDefault Source # | ToJSON TypeHolderDefault |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model toJSON :: TypeHolderDefault -> Value # toEncoding :: TypeHolderDefault -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [TypeHolderDefault] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [TypeHolderDefault] -> Encoding # | |
FromJSON TypeHolderDefault Source # | FromJSON TypeHolderDefault |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model parseJSON :: Value -> Parser TypeHolderDefault # parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [TypeHolderDefault] # |
Construct a value of type TypeHolderDefault
(by applying it's required fields, if any)
data TypeHolderExample Source #
TypeHolderExample | |
Eq TypeHolderExample Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: TypeHolderExample -> TypeHolderExample -> Bool # (/=) :: TypeHolderExample -> TypeHolderExample -> Bool # | |
Show TypeHolderExample Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> TypeHolderExample -> ShowS # show :: TypeHolderExample -> String # showList :: [TypeHolderExample] -> ShowS # | |
ToJSON TypeHolderExample Source # | ToJSON TypeHolderExample |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model toJSON :: TypeHolderExample -> Value # toEncoding :: TypeHolderExample -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [TypeHolderExample] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [TypeHolderExample] -> Encoding # | |
FromJSON TypeHolderExample Source # | FromJSON TypeHolderExample |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model parseJSON :: Value -> Parser TypeHolderExample # parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [TypeHolderExample] # |
Construct a value of type TypeHolderExample
(by applying it's required fields, if any)
User | |
Eq XmlItem Source # | |
Show XmlItem Source # | |
ToJSON XmlItem Source # | ToJSON XmlItem |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model | |
FromJSON XmlItem Source # | FromJSON XmlItem |
HasBodyParam CreateXmlItem XmlItem Source # | Body Param XmlItem - XmlItem Body |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.API.Fake setBodyParam :: (Consumes CreateXmlItem contentType, MimeRender contentType XmlItem) => OpenAPIPetstoreRequest CreateXmlItem contentType res accept -> XmlItem -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest CreateXmlItem contentType res accept Source # |
Construct a value of type XmlItem
(by applying it's required fields, if any)
data E'ArrayEnum Source #
Enum of Text
E'ArrayEnum'Fish | "fish" |
E'ArrayEnum'Crab | "crab" |
fromE'ArrayEnum :: E'ArrayEnum -> Text Source #
unwrap E'ArrayEnum
toE'ArrayEnum :: Text -> Either String E'ArrayEnum Source #
parse E'ArrayEnum
data E'EnumFormString Source #
Enum of Text
Form parameter enum test (string)
E'EnumFormString'_abc | "_abc" |
E'EnumFormString'_efg | "-efg" |
E'EnumFormString'_xyz | "(xyz)" |
fromE'EnumFormString :: E'EnumFormString -> Text Source #
unwrap E'EnumFormString
toE'EnumFormString :: Text -> Either String E'EnumFormString Source #
parse E'EnumFormString
data E'EnumFormStringArray Source #
Enum of Text
fromE'EnumFormStringArray :: E'EnumFormStringArray -> Text Source #
unwrap E'EnumFormStringArray
toE'EnumFormStringArray :: Text -> Either String E'EnumFormStringArray Source #
parse E'EnumFormStringArray
data E'EnumInteger Source #
Enum of Int
fromE'EnumInteger :: E'EnumInteger -> Int Source #
unwrap E'EnumInteger
toE'EnumInteger :: Int -> Either String E'EnumInteger Source #
parse E'EnumInteger
data E'EnumNumber Source #
Enum of Double
fromE'EnumNumber :: E'EnumNumber -> Double Source #
unwrap E'EnumNumber
toE'EnumNumber :: Double -> Either String E'EnumNumber Source #
parse E'EnumNumber
data E'EnumQueryInteger Source #
Enum of Int
fromE'EnumQueryInteger :: E'EnumQueryInteger -> Int Source #
unwrap E'EnumQueryInteger
toE'EnumQueryInteger :: Int -> Either String E'EnumQueryInteger Source #
parse E'EnumQueryInteger
data E'EnumString Source #
Enum of Text
fromE'EnumString :: E'EnumString -> Text Source #
unwrap E'EnumString
toE'EnumString :: Text -> Either String E'EnumString Source #
parse E'EnumString
Enum of Text
Bounded E'Inner Source # | |
Enum E'Inner Source # | |
Eq E'Inner Source # | |
Ord E'Inner Source # | |
Show E'Inner Source # | |
ToJSON E'Inner Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model | |
FromJSON E'Inner Source # | |
ToHttpApiData E'Inner Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model toUrlPiece :: E'Inner -> Text # toEncodedUrlPiece :: E'Inner -> Builder # toHeader :: E'Inner -> ByteString # toQueryParam :: E'Inner -> Text # | |
FromHttpApiData E'Inner Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model parseUrlPiece :: Text -> Either Text E'Inner # parseHeader :: ByteString -> Either Text E'Inner # | |
MimeRender MimeMultipartFormData E'Inner Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model mimeRender :: Proxy MimeMultipartFormData -> E'Inner -> ByteString Source # mimeRender' :: MimeMultipartFormData -> E'Inner -> ByteString Source # |
data E'JustSymbol Source #
Enum of Text
fromE'JustSymbol :: E'JustSymbol -> Text Source #
unwrap E'JustSymbol
toE'JustSymbol :: Text -> Either String E'JustSymbol Source #
parse E'JustSymbol
Enum of Text
Order Status
E'Status'Placed | "placed" |
E'Status'Approved | "approved" |
E'Status'Delivered | "delivered" |
Bounded E'Status Source # | |
Enum E'Status Source # | |
Eq E'Status Source # | |
Ord E'Status Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model | |
Show E'Status Source # | |
ToJSON E'Status Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model | |
FromJSON E'Status Source # | |
ToHttpApiData E'Status Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model toUrlPiece :: E'Status -> Text # toEncodedUrlPiece :: E'Status -> Builder # toHeader :: E'Status -> ByteString # toQueryParam :: E'Status -> Text # | |
FromHttpApiData E'Status Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model parseUrlPiece :: Text -> Either Text E'Status # parseHeader :: ByteString -> Either Text E'Status # | |
MimeRender MimeMultipartFormData E'Status Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model |
Enum of Text
pet status in the store
E'Status2'Available | "available" |
E'Status2'Pending | "pending" |
E'Status2'Sold | "sold" |
Enum of Text
EnumClass'_abc | "_abc" |
EnumClass'_efg | "-efg" |
EnumClass'_xyz | "(xyz)" |
Enum of Text
OuterEnum'Placed | "placed" |
OuterEnum'Approved | "approved" |
OuterEnum'Delivered | "delivered" |
Auth Methods
data AuthApiKeyApiKey Source #
AuthApiKeyApiKey Text | secret |
Eq AuthApiKeyApiKey Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: AuthApiKeyApiKey -> AuthApiKeyApiKey -> Bool # (/=) :: AuthApiKeyApiKey -> AuthApiKeyApiKey -> Bool # | |
Show AuthApiKeyApiKey Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> AuthApiKeyApiKey -> ShowS # show :: AuthApiKeyApiKey -> String # showList :: [AuthApiKeyApiKey] -> ShowS # | |
AuthMethod AuthApiKeyApiKey Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model applyAuthMethod :: OpenAPIPetstoreConfig -> AuthApiKeyApiKey -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest req contentType res accept -> IO (OpenAPIPetstoreRequest req contentType res accept) Source # |
data AuthApiKeyApiKeyQuery Source #
AuthApiKeyApiKeyQuery Text | secret |
Eq AuthApiKeyApiKeyQuery Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: AuthApiKeyApiKeyQuery -> AuthApiKeyApiKeyQuery -> Bool # (/=) :: AuthApiKeyApiKeyQuery -> AuthApiKeyApiKeyQuery -> Bool # | |
Show AuthApiKeyApiKeyQuery Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> AuthApiKeyApiKeyQuery -> ShowS # show :: AuthApiKeyApiKeyQuery -> String # showList :: [AuthApiKeyApiKeyQuery] -> ShowS # | |
AuthMethod AuthApiKeyApiKeyQuery Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model applyAuthMethod :: OpenAPIPetstoreConfig -> AuthApiKeyApiKeyQuery -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest req contentType res accept -> IO (OpenAPIPetstoreRequest req contentType res accept) Source # |
data AuthBasicHttpBasicTest Source #
AuthBasicHttpBasicTest ByteString ByteString | username password |
Eq AuthBasicHttpBasicTest Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model | |
Show AuthBasicHttpBasicTest Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> AuthBasicHttpBasicTest -> ShowS # show :: AuthBasicHttpBasicTest -> String # showList :: [AuthBasicHttpBasicTest] -> ShowS # | |
AuthMethod AuthBasicHttpBasicTest Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model applyAuthMethod :: OpenAPIPetstoreConfig -> AuthBasicHttpBasicTest -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest req contentType res accept -> IO (OpenAPIPetstoreRequest req contentType res accept) Source # |
data AuthOAuthPetstoreAuth Source #
AuthOAuthPetstoreAuth Text | secret |
Eq AuthOAuthPetstoreAuth Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model (==) :: AuthOAuthPetstoreAuth -> AuthOAuthPetstoreAuth -> Bool # (/=) :: AuthOAuthPetstoreAuth -> AuthOAuthPetstoreAuth -> Bool # | |
Show AuthOAuthPetstoreAuth Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model showsPrec :: Int -> AuthOAuthPetstoreAuth -> ShowS # show :: AuthOAuthPetstoreAuth -> String # showList :: [AuthOAuthPetstoreAuth] -> ShowS # | |
AuthMethod AuthOAuthPetstoreAuth Source # | |
Defined in OpenAPIPetstore.Model applyAuthMethod :: OpenAPIPetstoreConfig -> AuthOAuthPetstoreAuth -> OpenAPIPetstoreRequest req contentType res accept -> IO (OpenAPIPetstoreRequest req contentType res accept) Source # |